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Personal blog blog hosting industry development

The rise of fashion blog, no doubt created a blog hosted new business opportunities, and a blog are also willing to start their own lies in the BSP there. But now the situation has begun to reverse, to Xu Jinglei will blog from Sina in disguise instead of moving to their official website for the logo, has been gradually Gong Li, Chili's more than 10 celebrities, such as the closure of its own blog, and a growing the more "grassroots" blog also BSP business model because of the many deficiencies and dissatisfaction with the beginning of "Victory to flee," then what BSP waning popularity, and why it? Some senior blog pointed out that the BSP either in operation or function of positioning applications have limited the development of blog shown in the following aspects: First of all, fuzzy property rights, even the interests of the people, BSP established copyright case, advertising is divided into such inequality treaty, which greatly damaged the blog's creative passion and legitimate rights and interests. Sina's network services, such as the use of the agreement states: "For users to upload them to Web services Sina Sina Web site publicly available any content area, users agree that the scope of Sina in the world with free, perpetual, irrevocable , a non-exclusive and fully re-license the rights and license ", MSN, SPACE simply claim that they have the right to notify the user without the deleted user's information, the terms of such a King could easily mean that the BSP will be hard to blog creation casual work is converted into the commercial value of their own blog himself penniless. Followed by the self-control is limited, hard to survive hardship. In order to strengthen the control of blog users, the vast majority of BSP are reluctant to provide independent blog domain name logo, but even if they won the individual blog BSP promised to give an independent domain name configuration treatment, but also inseparable from the BSP to provide space and technical support. This will be derived from a blog hosted risks, BSP profit model high degree of uncertainty, making blog is very difficult to guarantee their own long-term stability and survival crisis Sims community because of the imminent closure of hearsay attracted a time many were on tenterhooks's blog. More seriously, the present, including Sina, Sohu, including many large BSP is not willing to provide backup blog, moving services, will be virtually placed with the BSP blog position. In addition, lack of personalized applications, quality of service with the difficult. BSP's operations as a result of varying strength, operators have different abilities, causing play to the level of blog uneven application. Survey found that access slow, poor stability, operating platform cumbersome simple template BSP rough for many of the problems they have to coexist. BSP and even some well-known inability to hire telecommunications room, so that users can not smooth the South to visit, and as a result of inadequate investment in hardware and software equipment, Web site outage caused by system failures are not uncommon. In addition the forced implantation mandatory advertising, but also greatly affected the blog space aesthetic effect of personality. BSP of the above-mentioned drawbacks, the blog in their own visibility and flow of a slight change will result in enhanced flag to create an independent personal portal, and that therefore for the provision of domain name registration, virtual hosting service network infrastructure service providers to create a business opportunities. According to well-known Web site hosting service network in China million, the establishment of a personal website a very low price in fact, a 150-megabit capacity, and with mail and log in the website of the space service charge but more than 300 million. Not only a clear relationship between ownership and will not result in operating income divided into disputes, and the interface settings, such as personalized style function completely independently, even if it is not familiar with the network application technology may also make use of free web services to automatically generate hundreds of box sets of the page template. Personal website as a result of the economic function of utility prices, has attracted a large number of individual users competing. According to China's million network statistics, the existing large groups, personal websites in fact the vast majority of "independent domain names + virtual host" form of the personal blog. In order to stimulate more applications blog turned personal website, they also launched a specially purchased virtual hosting space to send CN domain names incentives. Ogilvy & Mather consultant found that the United States show that China registered blog users has reached 60 million, is expected in 2007 will increase to 90 million, which, once an independent domain name + virtual host widespread blog form, cumbersome registration procedures to be resolved, will be in China to create a new and broader application of network infrastructure services market, otherwise the United States will be hosting this cake eaten.

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